University of Geneva, CAMPUS dossier. The Fabulous destiny of Water

‘Le Fabuleux Destin d'H2O’
The fabulous destiny of H2O for CAMPUS, the University of Geneva’s quarterly science dossier.
Campus is released monthly with the objective to ease communication between the scientific community and the citizens and to be a "bridge between science and city".
Campus magazine is located as close as possible to researchers, at the source of knowledge sharing. Campus highlights topics and themes that are topical for the scientific community, but which are not yet, or may never be, for mainstream media. The magazine thus attempts the constantly renewed bet of popularization, of scientific mediation, with the hope of arousing interest in a subject, beyond the circle of those who study it daily.
Campus is thus situated between a scientific publication and a magazine sold on newsstands. Its audience is no longer just the scientific community, but it is not necessarily read daily on public transport!
This positioning allows it to fully contribute to the dynamic of dialogue between science and the city.